4k18 8/29 Devotional and "Tip-for-Today"

4k18 8/29 Devotional and "Tip-for-Today"

A Simple Act

Kevin Ingram

Scripture: Exodus 17:8-13

In the midst of the Exodus the Israelites faced many challenges that ranged all the way from hunger and thirst to battles with other people. Exodus 17 records a special challenge of an attack they endured by the Amalekites.

Joshua rallied the troops, and Moses climbed the hill and stood holding the staff of God in his hands. As the story unfolds, as long as Moses held the rod of God in the air, the Israelites were

winning the battle. As the battled raged on, Moses became tired and lowered his hands and the result was the same each time: the tide would change and the Amalekites were winning the battle.

In response, the account records that they put a rock underneath Moses to sit on, and Aaron and Hur stood on either side of Moses and held his hands up until sunset. The result: Joshua and the Israelite army overcame the Amalekite army and won the battle.

It is evident in this brief account that God was for the Israelites. Each time the rod of God was held up, the Israelites would be winning and ultimately won the battle.

It could also be said that Aaron and Hur were for Moses. As he grew tired, he needed help playing his part as the army battled, and Aaron and Hur were there to help him face the challenge of holding his arms up. God’s presence ultimately transformed the battle, but Aaron and Hur played an important role through the simple act of holding up Moses’ arms.

All around us are people facing challenges of various kinds. They may not be facing war, yet they are facing challenges in their marriages, families, communities, jobs, and even their churches. They are growing weary and tired. They need God on their side, they also need someone like Aaron and Hur on their side.

In the busyness of life, we often don’t notice others wrestling with challenges. We may not think our help will be enough. Yet this story reminds us that sometimes a simple act can make a massive difference. All of us can hold up another’s arms, give a helping hand, lend a listening ear, share an encouraging word, write a comforting note, or even simply say a prayer. All of us have something to offer to let others know we are for them. More often than not, it’s a simple act that makes the difference.

Tip for the day: Look for the simple act and step out and do what’s needed to help a friend a neighbor know you are for them. When you do, you will also help them know God is for them!

Kevin Ingram is the president of Manhattan Christian College, a private institution of higher education that is based on the conviction that every member of the body of Christ is a minister. MCC offers a variety of academic programs aimed to educate, equip, and enrich Christian leaders, regardless of chose profession.

Action Step for the Tip-for-Today

Here is a place where you can do the "tip-for-today."

Tip for the day: Look for the simple act and step out and do what’s needed to help a friend a neighbor know you are for them. When you do, you will also help them know God is for them!