4k18 8/30 Devotional and "Tip-for-Today"
The Least of These
By: Al & Nadine Peters
Scripture: Matthew 25:31-40
In Matthew 25 Jesus talks about separating the nations as one would separate the sheep from goats. He says that when he was hungry, he was fed; when he was thirsty, he was given a drink; when he was a stranger, he was taken in; when he was naked, he was clothed; when he was sick, he was ministered to; when he was prison, he was visited. He said that those who loved him and followed him, did all the above. They in turn answered, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”
They answered this way because their actions came because of their faith in and commitment to Jesus. As followers of Jesus we need to have an attitude that ministering to those in need becomes second (or first) nature to us; a way of life for us. Of course, that means laying aside any prejudices that we may have; whether racial, political or coming from the wrong side of the tracks. It’s easy to get on the bandwagon with others when they begin deriding others. Don’t! Jesus swam against the stream, sometimes we need to do the same. Sometimes we need to be the one who stands up for truth – truth backed up by words of Jesus. Remember that people who are in need, in pain, unloved, don't care how much you know, they care how much you care.
Bottom line: In verse 40 Jesus says, “Whatever you did FOR one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did FOR me.”
Lord, give us hearts of compassion - hearts that love like you love us. Forgive any selfish attitudes we have.
Tip for Today: Find one person to show compassion to today.
Al & Nadine Peters are retired farmers, having lived in Nebraska till 2013, now living in North Newton, KS. Besides farming, for 40 years they were volunteer Bible study leaders and seminar coordinators at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. Nadine is on Facebook with around 400 women who have done prison time.
Action Step for the Tip-for-Today
Here is a place where you can do the "tip-for-today."
Tip for Today: Find one person to show compassion to today.